
Vlog your way to the top

Handsome man takes a video of himself
Image from Vlognation

Did you know that on average, humans, have an attention span of less than a goldfish? Yep! You read that right… Attention span = less than a goldfish.
Research conducted by Statistics Brain Research Institute, found that in 2015, the average attention span by a human is a mere 8.25 seconds. The average attention span of a goldfish is 9 seconds. Most of you, I’ve already lost.
Insert: Video Bloggling aka “vlogging”. Vlogging is undoubtedly the new blogging. With the speed and simplicity of the internet and the rise of social media platforms, a vehicle has been created, driving video content into everyone’s homes. So why haven’t you started?
The average length watched by a single internet video is 2.7 minutes. A common rule of thumb for a script word count to video duration is a very simple formula. 30 seconds of video for each 75 words in your script. So for a 2.5-minute video you’re aiming for about 375 words.
Many vloggers seen on Youtube, are filming their vlogs in their own room. As a business, creating a professional setting is really important for not only your credibility, but also for how you want your business to be seen by potentially millions of viewers.
At Inspire Cowork, you have access to creating a vlog or podcast in a very professional setting, all within your monthly membership. We have recording equipment, lighting, a green screen and a microphone to meet your needs. And, it’s all free for you to use when you need it.
Only a short walk from Westfield Miranda, take a break from all your Christmas shopping and take a stroll down to check us out. We will love to have a chat over a cup of coffee and show you how the space can work for you and your business.
Organize a walk through or a free day trial today.

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